Explore V-One in fablabs and education
Print single and double sided PCB boards within minutes.
Voltera Software
The software has been designed with you in mind. A minimal interface and instructional videos guide you every step of the way so you can get started in minutes. For more information, click: https://docs.voltera.io/docs
Experiment with your own fluids and substrates
Experiment with new fluids using the Voltera V-One platform and print on other rigid materials like glass, ceramics, or even on flexible films like Kapton or PET.
Learn more about how the Voltera V-one works
All-in-One solution for PCB Prototyping and Production
Solder Paste Dispensing and Reflow All in One
The Voltera V-One creates two-layer prototype circuit boards on your desk. Gerber files go in, printed circuit boards come out. The dispenser lays down a silver-based conductive ink to print your circuit right before your eyes. Assembling traditional and additive boards is easy with the V-One’s solder paste dispensing and reflow features. Simply mount your board on the print bed and import your Gerber file into Voltera’s software.
DRILL Attachment and Automatic calibration
Voltera’s V-one comes with a drill attachment Designed to be compact, the V-One Drill maintains a 3 mil runout even at high speeds and features automatic leveling and calibration via the included Smart Height Probe. Not only that, but you can also print on existing PCB board features all thanks to the smart XY alignment features.
No more stencils required
Voltera’s software is designed to be understood easily. From importing your Gerber files to the moment you press print, the software safely walks you through each step.
Compatible with EAGLE, Altium, KiCad, Mentor Graphics, Cadence, DipTrace, Upverter.
The V-One Desktop PCB Printer includes all accessories and consumables needed to get started.
Get the V-One Today
The Voltera V-One brings quick turn PCBs to your desktop. Import your Gerber file into the Voltera software, press print, and the V-One will bring your board to life. Use the solder paste dispensing and reflow features to mount components onto your printed board, or mount components on a prefabricated board with ease.