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Blog Posts

PolyTerra™ PLA is a bioplastic 3D printing filament designed from the ground up to create the next generation of environmentally friendly filaments. Polymaker has combined organic...

The Ultimate Guide to Jewelry 3D Printing
3D printing has given wings to entrepreneurs and industries looking to reveal the real potential of the fastest growing technology. The reason that it offers speed...

How 3D Printing is Disrupting the Jewelry Industry
Two techniques have historically defined jewelry making: handcrafting and lost-wax casting. Both techniques require significant technical expertise, are highly time-intensive, and mistakes in the process...

Applications of Selective Laser Sintering 3D Printing
Selective Laser Sintering is one of the main 3D printing technologies used and has dominated rapid prototyping and low number manufacturing for decades. It is known for...

Advantages of Selective Laser Sintering 3D Printing
The Advantages of SLS SLS has been one of the go-to methods for rapid prototyping, especially for batch production of custom parts. In industrial-scale applications,...

What is SLS 3D printing?
Technologies of additive manufacturing known as 3D printing (3DP) are considered to be the future of rapid prototyping, small and even big production lines for...

Introducing Ultimaker PETG – Setting the standard for industrial applications
Ultimaker is proud to announce the release of its new PETG material, designed specifically for great results with Ultimaker 3D printers. Ultimaker PETG sets the...